罗纹袖口松紧带自动裁剪机 特点:采用微电脑数控装置,裁切长度,裁切数量,送料速度自由设定。高精准马达送料,速度快,精度高,损耗少,机器工作稳定。另外可加装自动型送料机构,减少因拉伸而产生的误差,设计符合人体工学原理,外形美观,易操作。 用途:适用于服装袖口/脚口,松紧带,粘扣带,棉纱带,拉链,包边带等材料的定长裁切使用。 Features: microcomputer numerical control device, cutting length, cutting quantity, free feeding speed setting.High precision stepping motor feeding speed, high accuracy, low loss, stable machine operation.In addition, automatic feeding mechanism can be added to reduce the error caused by stretching. Application: suitable for cutting the length of garment cuffs/feet, ribbed cuffs, elastic bands, adhesive bands, cotton tape, zippers, and bandages.